Spring 2024: The Urban Agriculture Issue

Food is at the epicenter of so much in our lives. Its preparation and enjoyment are central to many of our cultural traditions. It has profound implications for employment, transportation, climate mitigation and adaptation. In a world increasingly food stressed from storms and heat waves and drought, the flaws in our far flung food system become glaringly obvious. Green infrastructure development has significant unrealized potential to play a greater role in our food system. Green infrastructure can help to bring healthy, nutritious and sustainable food home to communities and in our buildings. Here in the LAM we explore some of the pioneering technologies, projects, and people that are making this happen.

Photo:Valery Rizzo


In This Issue


Green Roof and Wall Industry News


The Living Architecture Monitor is a publication by Green Roofs for Healthy Cities, with a mission to increase awareness of the economic, social, and environmental benefits of green roofs, green walls and other forms of living architecture. The Living Architecture Monitor also hosts the Journal of Living Architecture (JLIV), a peer reviewed, scientific journal published by the Green Infrastructure Foundation (GIF).

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